You Can Fertility is a national oncofertility program for 13–30-year-olds in partnership with The National Ovarian and Testicular tissue Transport and Cryopreservation Service (NOTTCS) at The Royal Women's Hospital, Melbourne and Sony Foundation.
Here you can find more information on fertility preservation options for cancer patients, the You Can Fertility program and patient stories.
If you are interested in accessing fertility preservation, please complete the enquiry form below and the You Can Fertility/NOTTCS Coordinator will aim to respond within 24–48 hours to share further information and arrange an appointment with a local provider or The Royal Women’s Hospital Fertility Preservation Service, either in person or via telehealth.

Oncofertility is a discipline/specialty focused on caring for young patients having treatment for cancer or other serious diseases which may damage fertility or reproductive health.
Fertility preservation includes treatments such as egg freezing, sperm freezing, ovarian suppression as well as ovarian and testicular tissue freezing. For many patients ovarian and testicular tissue cryopreservation is not locally available.
For more information, click through the topics below to learn more about the types of oncofertility treatments.
The Clinical Oncology Society of Australia has developed guidelines for fertility preservation for people with cancer. These guidelines cover the impact of cancer treatment on fertility, discussing risk, referral and service provision, psychological support and much more.

Sony Foundation wants all young Australians diagnosed with cancer to have access to free fertility preservation services.
You Can Fertility is a program in partnership with The National Ovarian and Testicular tissue Transport and Cryopreservation Service (NOTTCS). NOTTCS allows for patients to have tissue samples extracted by a gynaecologist or surgeon in their local area and for the sample to be transported to the specialised fertility service and tissue laboratory at The Royal Women's Hospital, Melbourne for cryopreservation.
The service will be provided free of charge for 13 – 30 year olds diagnosed with cancer in Australia, thanks to funding provided by Sony Foundation. Patients will not need to travel for the procedure and can take place immediately to avoid any delay in commencing treatment. Patients can undertake ovarian or testicular tissue extraction at any public hospital under Medicare. Regardless of the patient’s location in Australia, they will be able to access ovarian and testicular cryopreservation at no cost with the You Can Fertility program.
This service benefits patients who do not have time to undergo egg harvesting before they begin their cancer treatment. This will have a significant impact on regional and rural patients who may not be able to access any preservation treatment due to cost and access to services.
The service aims to contact all enquiries within 24 – 48 hours to arrange appointments with a member of The Royal Women’s Hospital Fertility Preservation Service either in person or via telehealth. Further information and telephone support is also available.
From July 1, 2023 the Federal Government will provide a rebate of up to $600 per annum for the cost of storage of specimans for cancer patients. To find out more information, how it works and eligibility, please visit the ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) Program webpage - Link here
Phone Enquiries: (03) 8345 3227
Email Enquiries:
Referral: A patient needs a referral from a GP, Gynecologist or Oncologist
Director of Service: Dr. Kate Stern
NSW youth cancer patients can be referred to the Fertility & Research Centre at the Royal Hospital for Women for fertility preservation which can include egg, sperm, embryo or tissue retrieval and storage.
The service aims to contact all patients within 24 – 48 hours to arrange appointments and those not based in Sydney (rural, regional or interstate) may have initial appointments via telehealth organised for them by the Fertility & Research Clinic.
All fertility preservation procedures will be provided at the Fertility & Research Clinic at The Royal Hospital for Women in Randwick.
There are no costs to oncofertility patients for consultations or preservation procedures. The only out of pocket expenses for these patients are approximately $250 for prescribed medications.
From July 1, 2023 the Federal Government will provide a rebate of up to $600 per annum for the cost of storage of specimans for cancer patients. To find out more information, how it works and eligibility, please visit the ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) Program webpage - Link here
Phone Enquiries: (02) 9382-6666
Email Enquiries:
Referral: A patient needs a referral from an Oncologist
Referral Forms: Cancer Patients Referral Form for Oncologists
Director of Service: Professor Bill Ledger and Dr Rachael Rodgers
Centre Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 7.30 – 4pm (and weekend hours linked to booked cycles)
Watch this video and meet Professor Kate Stern who explains the importance of patient care during oncofertility.
Watch this video to learn more about the NOTTCS Program