Musicians Making A Difference (MMAD) is an Australian charity that transforms young lives through music. MMAD uses the healing power of music, dance and mentoring to inspire young people to make their lives remarkable.
of MMAD STARs indicated improved mental health.
per day to rehabilitate a young person through MMAD STAR program vs $652 per day to keep a young person in the juvenile justice system.
In 2016, Sony Foundation announced funding for MMAD’s life-changing ‘Catch A Falling STAR (Special, Traumatised & At Risk)' program and celebrated with a launch at the Sony Music office. The program continues to transform young lives.
Catch A Falling STAR is an intensive and innovative music and mentoring program designed to assist young people, aged 15-21, who face challenges of homelessness, drug and alcohol dependency, exclusion from school, unemployment, mental illness, neglect and abuse. The program is designed to break negative and destructive cycles by uncovering the potential of young STARs.

MMAD intervenes in the lives of young people when they are at risk of danger or harm, connects them with a strong network of support, and helps them to rise up as strong individuals within the community. Through this incredibly powerful program, young STARs often experience their first sense of family, of belief and of feeling safe enough to work through their vulnerability towards their potential.
In 2023, The Catch A Falling STAR Program reported:
- 86% of participants improved their personal growth
- 85% of participants became more connected to community
- 77% of participants found better personal safety
- 82% of participants felt increased confidence